Inglés A2
By means of this course, you will develop and sharpen some skills and abilities that will help you to understand others and express yourself correctly when talking about past experiences in English
The participant will be able to develop skills and abilities and understand others and express him or herself when talking about past experiences in English.
- Likes and Dislikes: Foods and Hobbies
- Likes and Dislikes: Music and Movies
- Past Experiences
12 horas aproximadas de estudio
Elaborado por:
Prof. Darío González Montoya
Recuerda que:
- Para poder matricularte en el curso debes tener una cuenta en
- Tú decides tu ritmo de aprendizaje
- Al terminar el curso satisfactoriamente podrás descargar tu constancia de participación
- Estudiantes inscritos: 24908